What is intramuscular stimulation (IMS)?

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) uses a fine and flexible stainless-steel needle to release tight painful bands of muscle caused by an abnormally functioning nervous system.

How does it work?

Dry needling has been shown to immediately increase range of motion, decrease muscle tone, and decrease pain with musculoskeletal conditions. The suggested benefits can be seen below.

What are the benefits?

Local Twitch Response: Dry needling can elicit a local twitch response which is an involuntary contraction of the affected muscles that are being dry needled. This response can lead to alteration in the length and tension of the muscle fibers.

Effects on Blood Flow: Sustained contraction of the taut muscle bands in trigger points might cause local ischemia and hypoxia. Dry needling causes vasodialiation in the small blood vessels leading to increased muscle blood flow and oxygenation.

Neurophysiological Effects: Dry needling may produce local and central nervous system responses to restore homeostasis at the site of the trigger point which results in reducing both the central and peripheral sensitization of pain.

How to book this service?

IMS may be a care option for treating your pain. This will be determined by you and your physiotherapist either after completing your physical assessment on your initial visit or later at one of your regular physiotherapy follow-up sessions. To discuss this care option or to start please book an initial or follow-up physiotherapy appointment here.

What is the cost of this service?

IMS is a unique service and treatment method. This service has an additional surcharge of $10/session. 

Ashleigh Low, MSc. (PT), HBSc.


Ashleigh has received her Bachelor of Science degree from MacMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and completed her Masters in Science of Physical Therapy from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland.

She provides an individualized and patient-centred approach to acute and chronic injuries. Her goal-oriented mindset was crafted over her years as a competitive slopestyle skier with the first-hand experience of injury. With her unique skills as a high-level athlete,

Ashleigh focuses on both the mental and physical rehabilitation of her patients. Ashleigh also practices preventative care and can apply her high level of knowledge to specific treatment plans aimed at creating a pain-free and holistic approach to her patient care.

Professional Memberships:

College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia.
Canadian Physiotherapy Association.


Active Release Technique- Full Body Certified.
Shift Concussion Management.
MPS (Micropoint Stimulation).
IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation).